Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monday, July 30 ~ Wisconsin!

Left our anchorage about 8:00 a.m. and within two short hours, we were at our destination; Dubuque, Iowa.  Across the river from Dubuque is the border for Illinois and Wisconsin . . . truly beginning to feel like we're almost home now that we're can see our home state :)

Stayed at the Dubuque Yacht Basin Club . . . shallow depths in the muddy harbor, but we made it!  While we took a dip in the refreshingly cool pool, got caught up on laundry.  We've stayed at this yacht club two other times when the girls were little and remembered there was a greyhound dog-racing track not far.  Krystina checked into their times, and low and behold, they were closed on Mondays and Tuesdays :(

Also in Dubuque is a beautiful Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium.  After a sweaty two-mile walk to the museum, we arrived at 5:20.  Seeing that they closed at 6:00, we didn't know what to do ($15 a person).  We must have looked awfully hot, because the gal at the counter let the four of us in for free to take a quick look around (two buildings of awesome Mississippi River sights).

Very LARGE Mississippi catfish checks out Tony!

Captain Dave pilots a simulated towboat.

If you're ever in Dubuque, make sure to schedule your trip on another day other than Monday, or Tuesday so that you can venture to the dog track, and be sure to get to the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium much earlier in the day :) 

After our short visit, we walked across the parking lot of the museum to Tony Roma Ribs and had a yummy dinner overlooking the Mississippi River. 
Took a cab back to the yacht club :) 

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