Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, March 15 - West Palm Beach

Good morning!  It's a beautiful day for a cruise!

 Just as we head northbound on the ICW . . . 

we see this for the first time; a mobile fueling station?!

Of course we continue to see more multi-million dollar mansions.

The ones on the corner seem to be the most spectacular!  Many times someone buys up an older home like this, demolishes it, and builds the mega-mansion of their dream!

Of course there are a few restaurants along the way, too.  
This is Shooters, at the north end of Fort Lauderdale.

Further up the ICW is a tiki bar that we once visited.

Not only do restaurants pay some big property taxes, but this church that is on the 
ICW is also sitting on some pretty expensive real estate!

Ahhhh, memories . . . this is Pompeno Beach.  One of our first visits to Florida with the kids (they were two and four) was to the right of this picture.  We stayed with a couple from our church in Inver Grove Heights; Bruce and Dorothy Bakken.  They were living on their boat in the winter just like us! So much fun hanging with them!!! 

We went through a total of 22 bridges today.  This was this first of 10 that we needed lifted.

With the radar arch tipped all the way down, Dave was able to sneak under many of the low bridges, avoiding us to have to wait for certain timed openings; this bridge was only 19 feet!!!😨

Next we find a place to get your boat, or mega-yacht, worked on.

A few of the towns that we pass by today have a beach right on the ICW.

Here is the first chance since Fort Lauderdale to get out onto the ocean; 
Hillsboro Inlet . . . one of the more challenging passes to navigate when the tide 
and winds are at odds (probably why there's a need for a lighthouse here!). 

 Right after we pass by the Hillsboro Inlet, our speed is reduced by 2 knots, 
as the tide is creating current that is heading out into the inlet. 

For a couple of miles we see some REAL mega-mansions that sit right on the Atlantic coast.
This is the best picture I could get of this mansion, but it went on for at least one city block 
(maybe more!),
and had a golden entrance gate!

The following are some more of the mega-mansions we saw along our travels today (passing by some of the more well-know towns of Lantana, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, 
and West Palm Beach):
 An artist must own this one!
 Another corner lot!πŸ’—
 This home had palm trees inside of those large first-level windows!!!
 This wins the award for favorite pool deck!
 Check out the sea wall protecting this home!
 Okay, seriously?!  This house is its own resort . . . you would never need to leave home!
 They have their own inlet for their boat,
 as well as quite the pool area!!!
This is a beauty on the Atlantic coast in West Palm Beach.

Then there are the homes with the exquisite landscaping!

 Or the ones with ornate? statues!!!

Of course there were many condos on the ICW, as well.  Some of the top levels had winding staircases that led to a rooftop garden!!!
As we get closer to West Palm Beach, there is a sea of condominiums!

 And in the distance, an important mega-mansion . . . 
 did you figure it out?  President Trump's home!

Wait!  Check this out!!!  It's a PINK PARTY . . . for me?!😁

Some of the bridges we went under were just as spectacular!
Check out the castle bridge!!!

Building a new one in West Palm Beach.

And the last one we go under is a brand new bridge . . . nice!

I saved the best for last; the mega-yachts!!!πŸ’—

 Oops . . . maybe not this one!!!😲😜
I think these boaters are having a little bit more fun than the guy above!

In West Palm Beach they were setting up for next weekend's boat show.  Dave and I were able to visit this show a handful of years ago . . . there are A LOT of logistics that go into setting this show (as well as other in-water boat shows) up!

Soon we arrive at Rivera Beach, which is right after West Palm Beaches' port.
 Dave and I actually went on this ship to Grand Bahama, by listening to one of those time share speeches . . . worth every minute of the pain-staking three hours!!!

We are secure for the night at the new Rivera Beach Marina!  
These are the various views from our boat!
 Peanut Island is in the background of the marina.
 In the opposite direction is where a tiki bar is; might have to check that out later!
To one side we see Rivera Beach, with many opportunities to have fun 
in the water; including toys to get you to Peanut Island.
 To the other side we hear the cruise ship's horn signaling its departure.

 Soon half of it is hidden behind Peanut Island as it heads out to Lake worth Inlet.

We end a great day of cruising with dinner at the Tiki Hut and . . . 
 exploring the beautiful grounds of this new city marina!

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