Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday, June 29

Another beautiful day for a morning walk.  Crossing the bridge over the canal, we see our boat :)

An 1892 schoolhouse converted into a beautiful home on the canal.

After running some errands to the local grocery store, ACE hardware :), and even a McDonald's for breakfast! . . .  we twisted up the engines and were on our way; westbound on the Erie Canal.

Went through 5 locks today, including the lock with the highest lift of 40.5 feet!

Lock 17 is one of the highest lifts in the WORLD!  It's so high, that there's a guard door, instead of gates to open to the lower pool.

Heading in!

Guard gate is closing!

Captain Dave takes a break after that!

While Skipper Krystina, drives {picture is actually from the Hudson River, but she did drive today:)}

We stop for an ice cream break and a little shopping (the girls) in Little Falls, which is right after Lock 17.

The girls' treasures!

We ended our day at a quaint little marina in Ilion.  Tomorrow, Onieda Lake!

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