Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25

Woke to a stormy morning on the boat.  Perfect timing to install the depth finder module AND . . .
IT WORKED!!!  YEA:)  We now have a working depth finder ... whew!  Took the boat south so the girls could see the beginning of Manhattan, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island once more (remembering from a previous family trip in 2006).  On our way back took the following picture of the marina where we stayed with the recreational piers and Empire State Building in the background.

After going under the George Washington Bridge, the landscape changed drastically; from cement city to lush, wooded, tree-filled mountains ... absolutely breathtaking!  There were 300-500 foot Palisades ... composed of columar basalt, the striking series of cliffs that we saw were named for its visual similarity to old wooden barrier fortifications. 

Another spectacular site was that of West Point Academy .... absolutely beautiful nestled in the tree-lined mountains!  It was right after West Point that we encountered our first storm out on the water.  With all of the thunder and lightning, we battoned down the hatches and pushed througt the storm!  Boat and crew handled it well :)

Taveled a total of 60 miles north on the Hudson River.  Stayed at West Shore Marina in Marlborough, New York.  Walked up what felt like a mountain to go into town for some dinner, and what a nice surprise when we got to the top; a beautiful waterful!

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