Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, July 6 and Pictures from July 4

WHEW . . . we DEFINITELY have your weather!  Went for a 7 a.m. jog and it was HOT!!!  We headed out to Lake Erie by 7:30 and it felt fantastic; getting the breeze off of the 72 degree lake.  After 9 hours of travel, we went 115 miles and are now at beautiful Geneva State Park Marina in Ohio on the south side of Lake Erie.  Wonderful shopping at the ship's store, too :)

As promised here are the pictures to accompany yesterday's post. Enjoy!
One picture from July 3.  Leaving the last lock of the Oswego Canal the night before entering Lake Ontario.  Notice how the canal is higher than the river to it's left!
July 4th, 1st Mate Danny, and Captain Dave leaving the Oswego Harbor, ready to cruise Lake Ontario!

Boy, we thought the ocean gave us a BIG WAKE!!!  This is on plane during the 3-4 footers!

Danny enjoying a big splash in Lake Ontario :)

Dinner overlooking Niagra Falls on the 4th of July!

Niagra Falls from the Canadian side


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