Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 25 - Northbound on the Mississippi!

Went to an interesting restaurant in Grafton, Illinois, last night called Finn Inn.  The food was okay, but the atmosphere was fantastic!  Each booth had it's own acquarium of local fish.  Here's what we saw:

But in the booth across from us, there was a sea turtle over 100 years old!!!
Kelli and I started out today with a wonderful walk literally straight up the town's hill (and a BIG hill it was!).  At the top there was a winery, zipline, and BEAUTIFUL views!!!

This is an adorable town with unique shops and about 4 wineries!!!  Wonderful, friendly people too, as Kelli and I stopped to pick up a few things at a convenience store and a woman in front of a hair salon asked if we were going to the marina and needed a ride (the heat was near 90 degrees already . . . on it's way to 108!!!).  We told her we were wanting to get some exercise, but then I asked her if she worked at the salon.  She said she was the owner and then I asked her if she had five minutes to cut my bangs :)  Charging me only $3.00 {she said she only charges $13.00 for a haircut . . . something I probably shouldn't tell Dave :)} we couldn't thank her enough for opening her salon to us!  FYI, she said in one week she was headed to Luck, Wisconsin, (where some of our friends are originally from) . . . small world!

 A lighthouse in Grafton marks the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers.
Once we got going, we passed our first tow: "Titletown" by Marquette Transportation.  The captain stepped out of his quarters and gave us all a wave (you never see that!), then he hailed us on the radio!!!  He saw that we were from Prescott, so we had an interesting conversation with him.  He said from the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, it would take him approximately 5 -7 days to get to St. Paul, depending on traffic at the locks.  He works 28 days on and 28 off.  The captain also knows Pat Loutsch (works with the tows in our area and is a neighbor of ours!) . . . is the world getting smaller by the minute?!?! :)
We don't see many bridges, but have seen a few ferry boats . . . it must be the way to go down here.

With the excessive heat again today, the guys found that scrubbing the boat with a long rinse-down of everyone on board was the way to go!

Traveled 65 miles with a 2 knot current.  Arrived in Louisiana, Missouri, at 5:00 today.
Not a bad travel day with not leaving the dock of Grafton until 8:30 and waiting 3 hours for a tow in the first lock of the day!

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